
1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is a 17 inch by 23 inch mixed media on watercolor paper painting  in a private collection


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 call: 1-909-861-5403 or email:

Rain On Leather

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is mixed media on 300 lb watercolor paper.  The is an 18 by 24.6 inch painting is in a private collection.

Rain on Leather

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Ray’s Gift

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is an 11 inch by 17 inch watercolor on 300 lb watercolor paper  painting in a private collection

Ray’s Gift

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Rain on Leather

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is a 17 inch by 25 inch watercolor on 300 lb watercolor paper portrait.   Email me if you are interested  in the original.

High Desert Twister

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1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is a 17 inch by 23 inch watercolor on 140 lb watercolor paper painting.   Contact me if you are interested  in the original.


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Holly Berry

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is a , 20.5 inch by 14 inch watercolor 300 lb hot press water color paper painting  in a private collection.

Holly Berry

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49.2 lbs-$6.16

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is 14.5 by 18.7 inch watercolor on 300 lb hot press watercolor paper painting .   Contact me if interested in the original.

49.2 lbs-$6.16

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Blue Butterfly

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is 14.5 by 10 inch mixed  media (watercolor and glitter) on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper painting.   Contact me if interested in the original.

Blue Butterfly

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Blue Cottage

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is a 23 by 17 inch watercolor on 140  lb cold pressed water color paper painting.   Contact me if interested in the original.

Blue Cottage

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Cracked Crystal

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is a 29.25 inch by 21 inch watercolor on  300 lb hot press watercolor paper painting.   Contact me if interested in the original.

Cracked Crystal

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11-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is watercolor  media on 300 lb hot press water color paper,  Size 20.5 inches by 14 inches .   Contact me if interested in the original.


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Do Not Disturb

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is an 11 by 8 mixed media  (watercolor pencil and ink) on 140 lb cold  press water color paper painting .   Contact me if interested in the original.

Do Not Disturb

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Ducks and Sparkles

1-1/2” profile gallery wrapped Print on Canvas

Original is a 23 by 17 watercolor on 140 lb cold  pressed watercolor paper painting.   Contact me if interested in the original.

Ducks and Sparkles

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